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ADHDTypes of ADHD.
Combined inattentive ADHD and Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD are the most common forms. Symptoms include excessive talking, blurting out answers, difficulty waiting for turns, and interrupting. These symptoms affect the child's social, academic, and domestic life. Diagnosis Challenges. ADHD must be diagnosed by a qualified healthcare practitioner. It has no clear physical signs or definitive tests. Diagnosis is based on observing characteristic behaviours, which vary among individuals. ADHD often occurs alongside other disorders, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Mood Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders. Treatment and Associated Conditions. Children with ADHD may also have learning difficulties like Dyslexia. ADHD can interfere with concentration but is not a learning disability. Medication, such as Ritalin, helps manage symptoms by increasing the brain's ability to focus and reduce impulsivity. Read more detailed information here: ADHD in detail |